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Three artists, three mediums, three different styles. In February Cary Loving shows us how to view nature in a different way. Lizzie Brown in her exhibit, using color and portraiture she deconstructs the false perceptions associated with African Americans. And Scott Tilghman provides an exhibit with a new style of mosaics. The monthly All Media Show features Virginia artists—a juried show. The exhibits continue through March 18, 2023. Admission is free and open to the public.

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 Becoming by Cary Loving

The artist invites you to see Nature in a different way. Instead of literal or realistic depiction, there is fantasy and mystery: the human merges with the bird, the owl is mute while the forest whispers, enigmatic narratives are implied. Loving presents clay and mixed media sculpture, along with paintings and layered cyanotype photographs.


This exhibit will be in the Jane Sandelin Gallery.



In Full Color by Lizzie Brown

A picture containing text, colorful, yellow, painted

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