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In 1824, the Marquis de Lafayette, the French general who was instrumental in helping the Continental Army win independence from the British, returned to tour the United States. He was received with a hero's welcome as he visited each of the then 24 American states, with honors such as parades, balls, and dinners awaiting him. Join VMHC Education & Colonial Williamsburg Nation Builder Mark Schneider for a living history presentation and Q&A of the Marquis de Lafayette's life and ideals. 

Mark Schneider has been involved in historic interpretation at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation for nearly thirty years and portrays a variety of individuals in addition to the Marquis de Lafayette, such as Benedict Arnold, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Banastre Tarleton. He will be portraying Lafayette across the country for the official 200th anniversary celebrations of Lafayette's tour of the United States - more information on these celebrations can be found here: 

This program is made possible through partnership with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and the American Friends of Lafayette and is part of the VMHC's Commemoration of America's 250th Anniversary. 

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