Ettrick-Matoaca Library serves the communities of Matoaca and Ettrick. It is situated on the outskirts of Virginia State University's Randolph farm just down the road from the bustling Village of Ettrick. In 2013, the Ettrick-Matoaca Library was completely renovated as a better, brighter, more functional public space. It is the only library in Chesterfield County to have a reading garden. Thanks to a gift from a local organization, the Ettrick-Matoaca Library will soon be home to a makerspace that will include a 3-D printer, recording software and raised garden beds for a community garden.
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4501 River Road, South Chesterfield, VA 23803-1732 Library serves the communities of Matoaca and Ettrick. It is situated on the outskirts of Virginia State University's Randolph farm just down the road from the bustling Village of Ettrick. In 2013, the Ettrick-Matoaca Library was completely renovated as a better, brighter, more functional public space. It is the only library in Chesterfield County to have a reading garden. Thanks to a gift from a local organization, the Ettrick-Matoaca Library will soon be home to a makerspace that will include a 3-D printer, recording software and raised garden beds for a community garden.
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Monday, February 5, 2018 2:57pm