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Field trip season is near! This Teacher Open House is a pre-registered event that invites teachers to learn about group programming and be WOWed by all the Science Museum has to offer.


Field trips are essential in bringing classroom lessons to life. So, the Science Museum of Virginia wants to assist teachers in making sure their field trips are easy to plan, cover the materials they're teaching and offer engaging experiences.

At the Science Museum of Virginia's open house on September 23, teachers have the chance to speak directly with Science Museum educators to learn all the ins and outs of group programming. How many students can attend a live demo? How long should groups spend in each exhibition? Where do students eat lunch? Are there post-visit resources available? What’s the best Dome show to match environmental science SOLs? The Science Museum has all these answers and more!

And, of course, teachers get the chance to explore the Science Museum on their own after they have gotten answers to all their questions. Wild Kratts®: Creature Power®!, a brand new touring exhibition, opens the same day as the open house so teachers get to be among the first guests to check it out!

Teachers always receive free admission to the Science Museum, but during the Teacher Open House, they can bring up to three guests for free. It’s the Science Museum of Virginia's way of thanking them for all they do!

For This Event:
- Advanced registration is required. Please check the Science Museum of Virginia's website: registration will open soon.
- Check-in for the Teacher Open House must take place between 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Once checked in, teachers may stay as long as they’d like up to the Science Museum's closing.
- Teachers can register for themselves and up to three guests to attend for free. All guests must be checked in at the same time. Any additional guests can get in for the discounted rate of $10 per person.
- The Teacher Open House is open to public school, private school and homeschool teachers. Please be prepared to show your teacher ID or homeschool letter of intent.

Please note: The Dome is closed for upgrades from September 5-29. Teachers will not be able to preview giant screen films or astronomy shows during this event.

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